You are also subscribed to the Alien Hunters Community Highlander if you have the Alien Hunters DLC installed. Encounter entirely new enemies that force you to adapt your tacticsĪfter subscribing to Long War of the Chosen and its required mods, make sure:. Play with buffed-up SPARKs and more challenging Alien Rulers if you have the corresponding DLCs installed. Train up officers that provide powerful buffs and abilities for your squad. Get up to 2 of each faction soldier class, all of whom have been completely reworked from WOTC. Make use of 8 new soldier classes that have 3 ability choices per rank and an extra rank (8 instead of vanilla's 7). Discover a new research tree with several new techs and a bunch of new Proving Ground projects. Grapple with much more challenging versions of the Chosen both in the strategy layer and in retaliation missions (they no longer randomly spawn on missions). Watch as ADVENT reacts to your actions by strengthening regions (making missions more difficult) and sending retaliatory strikes on your havens. Send out multiple squads at a time, adjusting the equipment and composition to make sure they can infiltrate in time. Use those haven rebels to detect missions for you, which you must then infiltrate before they expire.
Build up the resistance by contacting regions and recruiting rebels in their havens.Here's a quick summary of the major differences from the vanilla game: Overall, you get more tools (items, abilities, soldier class types), but you have to deal with more enemies and a greater variety of enemies.
It is a complete overhaul of the vanilla game that attempts to make campaigns more engaging, longer and more challenging. Long War of the Chosen is a port of the original Long War 2 mod by Pavonis Interactive to XCOM 2's War of the Chosen expansion.